
US issues first ever fine for space junk to Dish Network

Dish Network will have to pay $150,000 for failing to move an old satellite far ...

Could the UK's tides help wean us off fossil fuels?

The UK has some of the world's most powerful tides - and is well placed to explo...

What is COP28 in Dubai and why is it important?

The climate change summit follows a year of weather extremes and broken temperat...

The floating desalination machines powered by the waves

Desalination usually requires a lot of heat and power, but a new system just nee...

James Webb telescope: Baby star launches giant jets and...

The James Webb observatory records the giant jets and shocks created by a birthi...

Annual oil and gas licences planned with net zero commi...

Projects will have to meet net zero targets, under the proposals to be outlined ...

Euclid telescope: First images revealed from 'dark Univ...

Europe's Euclid telescope begins its quest to map the cosmos and reveal its miss...

Why did a dog in Newmarket end up nursing a litter of k...

A biologist says while unusual, cross-species adoptions happen when animals resp...

Global heat: Extreme autumn sets up 2023 to break records

Climate scientists say it is now "virtually certain" year will be the warmest on...

UK forests face 'catastrophic ecosystem collapse'

A mass die-off of trees could happen in the next 50 years unless action is taken...

John Oliver ruffles feathers in New Zealand's Bird of t...

The US chat show host's support of the pūteketeke is creating an international P...

Komfo Anokye kola tree: Ghana outrage after 300-year-ol...

The famous tree dates back to 17th Century Ghana and was reportedly planted by a...

Lightning fires threaten planet-cooling forests

Study shows that rising temperatures will boost lightning as the main source of ...

First-ever images prove 'lost echidna' not extinct

Sir David Attenborough "delighted" as mammal named after him is filmed for the f...

Israel-Gaza war: Civilians leave northern Gaza along ev...

For several hours, hundreds of people were on the move, some on carts pulled by ...

'I’m calling from Israeli intelligence. We have the ord...

An extraordinary warning call to a Palestinian dentist starts the panicked evacu...