Science and Environment

Nature groups launch legal bid over wildlife loss

Countryside and wildlife conservation groups want a judicial review of governmen...

Crossbows and eerie silences – following Antarctic whal...

How scientists are discovering secrets of Antarctic climate change in the bodies...

Nasa 'Earthrise' astronaut dies at 90 in plane crash

The photo taken by Bill Anders is one of the most famous images ever snapped in ...

Who owns the Moon? A new space race means it could be u...

A race for the lunar surface's resources is currently under way. What’s to stop ...

James Webb telescope makes 'JuMBO' discovery of planet-...

The new space observatory sees pairs of Jupiter-sized objects floating free betw...

Climate Change Committee says UK no longer a world leader

The UK's statutory climate body criticises the government for backing new oil an...

Will the Gulf Stream really collapse by 2025?

A new paper says its collapse could be imminent, but some experts argue science ...

Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for th...

The oceans are a vital regulator for the climate and our weather but are rapidly...

Africa proposes global carbon taxes to fight climate ch...

Despite suffering some of the worst impacts of climate change, the continent onl...

What is net zero and how are the UK and other countries...

The UK may weaken some key green commitments, despite its pledge to reach "net z...

US issues first ever fine for space junk to Dish Network

Dish Network will have to pay $150,000 for failing to move an old satellite far ...

Could the UK's tides help wean us off fossil fuels?

The UK has some of the world's most powerful tides - and is well placed to explo...

What is COP28 in Dubai and why is it important?

The climate change summit follows a year of weather extremes and broken temperat...

James Webb telescope: Baby star launches giant jets and...

The James Webb observatory records the giant jets and shocks created by a birthi...

The floating desalination machines powered by the waves

Desalination usually requires a lot of heat and power, but a new system just nee...

Euclid telescope: First images revealed from 'dark Univ...

Europe's Euclid telescope begins its quest to map the cosmos and reveal its miss...